African Soul has a passion to give back to the community of Nungua. A small way that we do this is by once a year sending household goods, computers, sewing machines, clothes and shoes in a container, from Australia. Another way we support our Nungua community is by sharing our skills and talents whilst on tour.

If you would like an opportunity to give to the community, you are invited to volunteer any skills you have for a day.

Maybe you are a teacher and would like to teach for a day in a local school?
Can you teach some basic computer skills?
Are you a qualified health practitioner willing to train basic first aid?
Do you have experience in adult education?

All teachers of drum and dance, cooks, cleaners, drum makers and entertainers that offer their services on the tour are locals. Bortier is dedicated to supporting his community.
Please speak to us for more information on how we can arrange a volunteer day in advance.

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